Ashley Johnson – ICSL

Room 348C
Neuromuscular Physiology Lab(NPL)
Centennial Research Building
Georgia Institute of Technology (GaTech)
400 Tenth St.
Atlanta, Georgia 30332 U.S.A.

Room 227
Intelligent Systems Control laboratory (ICSL)
Manufacturing Research Center (MaRC)
Georgia Institute of Technology (GaTech)
813 Ferst Drive, N.W.
Atlanta, Georgia 30332-0560 U.S.A.

Telephone: +1(404) 894-9985
Fax: +1(404) 894-4130
email: Ashley

Research Group: Bio


Ashley N. Johnson is currently a Ph.D. student, in the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, at the Georgia Institute of Technology with a minor in Applied Physiology. She obtained her Bachelors of Science Degree in Electrical Engineering from Florida A&M University in 2005. She obtained a Masters in Electrical Engineering with an emphasis in Digital Signal Processing/Bioengineering and a minor in Management from Georgia Insititute of Technology in 2007.

Ms. Johnson joined the ICSL in the Spring of 2007 and is currently under the advisement of Dr. George Vachtsevanos and Dr. Minoru Shinoharain pursuit of her Ph.D. Presently, her research focus involves the investigation of novel methods to determine the corticomuscular correlation and phase synchronization of EEG/EMG during unilateral and bilateral motor/cognitive tasks.