Abhinav Saxena – ICSL

AbhinavSaxena.JPG Office:
Prognostics Center of Excellence(PCoE)
NASA Ames Research Center (NARC)
Moffett Field, CA 94035

Telephone: +1(650) 604-3208
Fax: +1(650) 604-4036
email: Abhinav
visit Abhinav @NASA


I graduated with PhD degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from GeorgiaTech. I focused on an integrated architecture for Intelligent Diagnosis and Prognosis of Manufacturing Systems using Artificial Intelligence techniques. I am currently working as research scientist at Prognostic Center of Excellence at NASA Ames Research Center, CA.

I joined Georgia Tech in 2001 at the school of Textile and Fiber Engineering, and earned Master of Science Degree in May 2003. I worked on yarn manufacturing machine development and real-time process control. Prior to that I received bachelor’s degree from the Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi in Textile and Fiber Engineering in 2001. As a part of students exchange program I also visited the University of British Columbia, Vancouver in 1999.


My Research Interests lie in the application based control of Manufacturing Systems. I have been working on Intelligent Control Systems using several machine learning techniques. Overall emphasis is on diagnostics and prognostics of industrial systems. Area of my core research is to combine areas from AI which makes use of the human memory models to solve problems that may or may not have been encountered before. specifically my research involved Natural Language Processing (NLP), dynamic Case-based Reasoning (DCBR), and evolving knowledgebases to develop a Decision Support System integrated with Human-in-the-Loop (HITL) feedback for learning and evolution. More details about the problem and the approach can be found in my PhD thesis below. In addition to knowledge based approach I also work in machine learning and data mining related to CBM/PHM problems.


PhD Thesis
Journal Articles
  • B. Wu, A. Saxena, R. Patrick, and G. Vachtsevanos, “Vibration Monitoring for Fault Diagnosis of Planetary Gears” submitted to IEEE transactions on Automation Science and Engineering
Book Chapters
Magazine Articles
Conference Papers
  • A. Saxena, J.L., Dorrity, “Online Analysis of Textile Card Web Density”, Proceedings of ASME International mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, Washington, D.C., Nov. 2003
  • A. Saxena, G. Vachtsevanos, “Vehicle Fleet Health Management Using Knowledge-Based Artificial Intelligence(KBAI) ” The 7th NASA-ESA Workshop on Product Data Exchange (PDE), Atlanta, Georgia USA, April 19-22, 2005
  • A.Saxena, A. Kansal, “Computer-aided Creel Loading Management System for patterned warp”, Bachelor’s Thesis 2001, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, India

Abhinav 17:18, 3 October 2006 (EDT)